Animal Advocate Club
All members receive our newsletter, e-mail updates, a listing on our website AND recognition in our Annual Gala for Animals printed program! Higher levels include T-shirts/hoodies and tickets to our annual gala. See a full list of the benefits at each level and view our list of current members. Complete the online donation form, call us at (970) 484-8516, or email
Junior Animal Advocate Club
Animal Friends Alliance has a new membership option for our supporters 12 and under and their loved ones: Junior Animal Advocate Club! Click here to learn more.
Membership Levels
and Benefits
Leader - $400/month or $4,800/year
Champion - $200/month or $2,400/year
ambassador - $100/month or $1,200/year
Protector - $50/month or $600/year
Friend - $25/month or $300/year
Companion - $10/month or $120/year
Associate - $5/month or $60/year
Our Generous Animal Advocates
- James & Carolyn Landers
- Julie Piepho & David Bee
- Kelly & Mitch Little
- Lauren Bay
- Luis and Yoshiko Casado
- Patricia Kingsbury (In honor of Tinker & Belle)
- Paul and Diane Cowley
- Robert Gregory
- Susan Strait
- Cyndi D. Brown (In memory of Gizmo)
- David & Trish Lerner
- Dennis Schick
- Ellen Wohl
- Jean Opsomer & Mary Meyer
- Jennie Miller
- Kathy Dalton (In honor of Ojos)
- Louis Amari
- Madonna Mehia & Rick Dohmen
- Megan & Robert Streetman
- Ronda MacLeod
- Ruth Schnell (In honor of Kelly’s Kitties)
- Trudy Costello & Linda Davidson (In memory of Blackie)
- Kristin Draper
- Ali Pezeshki
- Anne Rydesky
- Annette Vizena
- Bobbi Cipriano & Lu Callahan
- Brigitte Schmidt
- Cami & Kris Lee
- Carole & Mike Thorsrud (In honor of Sushi, Kim, Nuit & Soleil)
- Carolee Schuck
- Carolyn MacLaren
- Christina Anderson
- Dale & Jean Beucler
- Debbie Chesonis (In honor of Jefferson, Max, Charlotte & Casey)
- Debbie Young & Mark Rusnica
- Denise Staab
- Elizabeth Uhrig
- Heather & Anthony McNeill (In honor of Sugar & Shasta)
- Jen Krieger
- Jeremy & Rachel Tand
- John Gandy (In loving memory of our beloved Lambeth, Lucy, and Katie Gandy)
- Jonathan Alford
- Julie Dokell Cogan (In honor of Karen Tips)
- Julie & James Campain (In honor of all the wonderful animals that have journeyed through life with me)
- Justin Regan
- Karen Tips
- Keri Williams
- Kristi Birdsall
- Kristin Colard
- Lanie & Donald Burritt (In memory of Mocha, forever in our hearts, sweet kitty)
- Leonard J. Mahoney, Ph.D.
- Leslie Quitmeyer (For Sam)
- Linda Curtis
- Lori & Cameron Way
- Lynn-Marie Cecere
- Marjean & Ed Bender (In honor of all my fosters)
- Marsie & Jim Mattern
- Michele and Sydney Mihulka
- Richard Depperman (For our beloved Lacie and Lily)
- Robert Watts & Susan Mansfield
- Scott and Tenaya Newkirk
- Stephanie White
- Stephen Inman
- The Pié Family
- Wendy Nero & Ute Baier
- Alane Urban
- Amelia Virostko & Mack Hayden
- Amelia Williams
- Amy Swan
- Andrea Leonard
- Anonymous (In memory of my girls Ceci and Afrodit)
- Barb Rose and Ken Gall
- Bethany Martinez
- Brennan Zelener
- Brett Greer
- Carlos Bonilla
- Caroline Smith
- Carolyn Taylor
- CeCe Majchrowski
- Cecil Feltch
- Cecilia Moreno
- Chris & Patricia Wieland
- Cindy Lewis
- Claudia Whitcomb
- Connie Ohlson
- Corey & Sally Pantano (Fryar)
- Cynthia Tunze (In memory of Sasha & In honor of Marvel)
- Dane Brunner
- Dawn Paschal (In loving memory of Ruby)
- Diana Hermann
- Elizabeth Whitney
- Ella Zevenbergen
- Gerri Burggraff
- Grace & Victor Valdivia
- Grey Hautaluoma
- Heather Johnson (In honor of Betty White)
- Holly & Paul Ashby
- Jackson Alder
- Jacob & Ana Moersen
- Jacqueline Leidholt
- Jana & Henry Palermo
- Jason Wilhelms
- Jean Muirhead (In memory of Bill the Cat, Henry IV, Mammacat & Hissycuss)
- Jeanna Champion
- Joannah Merriman
- Jo Ann Varner
- Joan Tomek
- Kathy Foster
- Katherine Gresh
- Kelly Vlasis (In memory of my Goldens: Kodi, Beau, and Haley)
- Kelly Winslow
- Kelsey Arnold
- Ken Gassen
- Kerry & David Brookman
- Kris Cafaro
- Kristy LeClair
- Laura Stretch & Sean McDonald
- Laurie Minamide
- Linda & Kevin Brucker
- Lisa & Luke Rodgers
- Lisa Nelson & Scott Torvik
- Lisa Wempen
- Lori Freedman
- Malinda Lane
- Marcy Haire
- Mariah McCulley
- Melissa Silvani
- Nancy Kroll
- Patricia McNamee & Clark Rosen
- Patricia Sameshima
- Paul Bosonetto (In memory of Mako)
- Ron Beitz
- Ryan Henneberg
- Sarah Swanty (In loving memory of Tanja Pliler)
- Sharon Lee
- Shellie Manter
- Shellie Smith
- Sibel Satirglu
- Steve & Joan Tomek
- Stu Phillips
- Susan Gilbert
- Susan Hillson
- Susan McReynolds
- Susan Reynolds
- Trisha McNamee
- Wendy Woods
- Adam Macy
- Adolfo Benitez
- Aftax Corporation
- Allison Becker
- Amy Beuschlein
- Andrea Northdurft
- Andrew Jones
- Anita McAllister
- Anne Cady
- Anne Grubb
- Anne Tedesco
- Annie Krieg
- Audrea Kappert
- Becky & Joe Munoz
- Beth Eikenbary
- Beth Hintzman
- Bethany Shupe
- Betty Lau
- Bill and Julia Wells
- Bill McCulloch
- Billy Brey
- Brenda Rhodes
- Brian & Dana Stringer
- Carlos Bonilla (In honor of Whiskers and Poof)
- Carol Hurley
- Carolynn Bond & George Williams
- Chelsea Pellow
- Christa Cherava
- Cindy Bell
- Colleen McGehee
- Connie Hanrahan
- Cynthia Kintzley
- Danielle Ardrey
- David and Tasha Marchant
- Deanna Nagel (For Jasmine)
- Debbie Hinde
- Denise Asmus
- Donna Baily
- Donna Totten
- Dustin Anders
- Dyan Thompson
- Emily Aurand
- Erica Wagner
- Frank & Janet Aaron
- George Hilgendorf
- Geronna Fanelli
- Glenice Risheill
- Gregory Ebel
- Heather Bakas
- Holly Miller
- Jack Gremmer
- James Christofferson
- Jana Dean & Dr. Greg Burns
- Jean Hammer
- Jeff & Ruth Swanty
- Jenna Irish
- Jennifer & Greg Brigham (In memory of Cleo & Grace)
- Jenn Thompson and Joel Silva
- Jeri Sandbach
- Jim Rogers
- Jo Campbell
- Joyce Gravina
- Judy & Randy Miotke
- Karen Horn & Geof Roscoe (In memory and honor of all our beloved four- legged rescues)
- Karen & Paul Schiltz
- Kathy Malinowski
- Katie Pearson
- Kelly Austin
- Kendal Liedtke
- Keri Canada (In memory of Henry)
- Keri Genevese
- Kevin Aldrich & Margaret Cheney
- Kimberly & Jake Shultz
- Kirk Reimann
- Kona and Mia Henshaw
- Kris Paige
- Lacy Fuller
- Lara Abrahamson
- Laura and Larry Haas
- Leah Vos
- LeeAnn & Robert Kania
- Lisa Anthony (In honor of Danny Gorman, who was a best friend to all cats lucky enough to know him)
- Lisa C Dobel (On behalf of all the wonderful four legged creatures that love us unconditionally – especially mine)
- Lisa Golicher
- Loni Y Gray
- Lori Goldman
- Lori Martini
- Lovina Mares
- Luke and Lauren Hoskovec
- Lynn Pehrson
- Lynne Aker
- Maggie & Robert Hirko (In memory of C.K.)
- Mark & Ronni Oltersdorf
- Marlynda Gerwig
- Maureen Rolnick
- Megan Krumwiede
- Melissa Boyette
- Melissa Nicholas (In honor of the adoption of my beautiful bluepoint siamese mix)
- Michael Gayner
- Michael Highsmith
- Michelle Reason
- Nancy Campbell
- Pam And Steve Schwartz
- Pamela Jordan
- Pat Anthony
- Paula Lewis
- Paula Mann
- Rachel Hoekstra
- Rachel Rogers (In memory of George & Maguire)
- Rachel Selby
- Rafael Datoc
- Rebekkah Beeco
- Renie Olson
- Rich Dunker
- Roger Little
- Ryan & Laura Scrivner
- Sandra Eddy
- Sandra Redick
- Sarah Keck
- Sharlene Higley
- Sherry Lahti
- Simone Clasen
- Steve Bodaness
- Steve Gross
- Sue Charles
- Sue Ehrfurth
- Tiffany Tynes
- Tori Abraham (In memory of Shadow)
- Twilah & Joe Ochsenfeld
- Vicki Hutton
- Wayne Sears
- William Chandler
- Aimee Polom
- Ali Eccleston
- Alice Clark
- Amanda M. Payne and Dan Miller
- Amelia Tuttle and Scott Woods
- Amy Burnett (In memory of my beloved Sydney)
- Angela Kettle
- Anna McLeland
- Anonymous (For Dala Kaufman)
- Anonymous (In memory of Brody)
- Autumn Parry
- Barbara Engels
- Bob Michael (In memory of Cindy the Cat)
- Brandy Russell
- Brian Ernst
- Caela Manley
- Calin Elardi
- Carol Franco-Rowe (In honor of our loving rescues, Rain, Riley, and Bella)
- Carol Spiciarich Mahoney
- Carol Van Natta
- Cassie Millspaugh
- Catherine Svehla
- Charlene Olms
- Chelsea Friel
- Dr. Cheryl Kolus
- Christie Catania (In honor of Reggie Catania)
- Christine Kuehnast
- Christine Southard
- Cindy Richards
- Connie Mattos
- Cornelius de Groot (In memory of Rachel and In honor of Ruby, Timmy and Bruno)
- Crystal Ford
- Curt and Denise Rutter (In honor of Bailey Rutter)
- Cynthia Tremblay (In honor of Ella the Rescue Kitty)
- Dan Schoonover
- Danielle Wallace
- Danette Churchill
- Dave Ponceby
- David Czenkusch
- Deanna Gournoe
- Drake Dayton
- Dylan Murphy
- Elaine Luethold
- Elba & Robert Morales (In honor of all furrys, here & gone)
- Elizabeth Moncrief
- Emily Smart
- Eric Giersch
- Gail DiVico
- Græme Ravenscroft
- Graham Boon
- Grant Wilcox
- Gretchen Lichtenwalner
- Heather Clark (In honor of Job, Koda & Kita)
- Jaime Amling
- James Cooney
- Jane Barber
- Janet Baynton
- Janna Yoshimoto
- Jeffrey Arltone
- Jenna Riedi
- Jennifer Anderson (In memory of Jaxon Rocket Jetson)
- Jessica Bennett Goble
- Jessica Danley
- Jillene Toth
- JJ Kane
- JoAnn Powell
- Joe Anderson
- Johnna Lamoureux (In honor of Charlie)
- Jonah Donaghy
- Joseph Diana
- Joyce Lathrop
- Judy & Stephen Geckeler (In honor of all the people at AFA who pet the special animals that arrive)
- Julia Lewis & John Korsmacher
- Julie Hopkins
- Juli Lockman
- Justin Voorhees
- Kacey Corbett
- Kaitlyn Rodman
- Karen Mianecki
- Karlee Tower
- Katie Ashby
- Katie Carpenter
- Katy Clayborn
- Kayli Ammen
- Keith Hamilton
- Kelly & Joelle Buchanan
- Kelly Ficarra (In memory of Bode)
- Kelsey Keene
- Kendra Bigsby
- Kerry Dougherty (In memory of Baby and Ggrrr)
- Keryn and David Engelhard
- Khristine Gamer
- Kimberly Powers (In honor of Henry)
- Lana Flack
- Laura and Tim Thomas
- Laura Moreno (In honor of Ivy & Chloe)
- LeeAnn Herrera-Scannapievo
- Lindsey Seastone (In memory of Gus Gus, Sidekick, and the incomparable Betty White)
- Linnea Skoglund
- Lisa Browne
- Lisa Daunhauer
- Lisa Kafka
- Lisa Randall
- Lucien Darjeun Meadows
- Margaret Fleming
- Marjean Bender
- Martha Cruse
- Martha Moore
- Mary Lou Kraemer
- Maureen Schweickert
- Meaghan Duda
- Melora Wittig-Estredge
- Michael DeBonte
- Michaela Ruppert
- Michelle Dodd
- Michelle Jewby
- Monique Renee
- Nadia Wari
- Nancy Maller
- Nicole Turner-Ravana
- Olivia Coward
- Pamela Mencher-Farrill
- Patricia Hemman
- Phil McMahon
- Rachel Rassmusen
- Rachel Shwayder
- Renee Price
- Richard Ricchiuti
- Rick & Susan Fowler (In honor of Dodger & Holly)
- Robert Coppola
- Rob & Dawn Sharkey
- Roger Flack
- Ronda Hatton
- Ronn McConnell (In honor of Jake)
- Ruth Champion
- Sabrina Smith
- Sandra Rodgers
- Sandy Womble
- Sarah Mackintosh
- Sarah Robinson
- Sharon Persinger
- Sherrilyn Wainwright
- Sophie Buckingham
- Stacey Mckenna
- Stephanie Voorhes
- Steve Weintraub & Denise La Rue
- Sue Glassmacher
- Sue & Jim Banning
- Susan Dominica (In memory of: Alice, Yoshka, Sootie, Gypsy, Jasper, Topeka & Cleo)
- Suzanne Morine
- Theresa Annechino
- Thya Houston
- Tia Tedford
- Tina Kane
- Tonya Lebsock
- Traci Stickler (In honor of my fur baby, Moby Dobes)
- Tracy Ulrich Taylor
- Trina Garlo
- Valerie Hunter-Goss (In memory of Alice, the cat that made me a ‘cat person’!)
- Valerie Tams
- Wanda Clarence
- Wanda Knauer
- Whitney Frazier
- Alaina Hawley
- Amanda Schroeder
- Amy Burnett
- Amy Norris (In honor of my senior girl, Maya)
- Angie Friehauf
- Ashley Boothe (In loving memory of Skeeter, Tommy & Todd)
- Ashley McGilvray (In honor of all my lovely foster kitties)
- Ashley Mueller
- Ashlie Davenport
- Bailey Rutter
- Benette Wallace (For Ophelia)
- Bri Johnson
- Carolyn Charkey
- Charlotte Nolan
- Crystle Bausch
- Dana Krumholz
- Dawn Banks (In honor of Vincent Lecrann & Nancy Goldek)
- Dilara Kiran
- Elizabeth Creencia
- Elizabeth Ellison
- Erika Miciuda
- Hannah Tani
- Heidi McGuire
- Jaden Ly
- Jakob Ruter
- Janet Yelowchan
- Jill Forest
- Jonna Pearson
- Joshua Wood
- Julie Stephen
- Kathy Martinez (In memory of Freckles)
- Katie Stieber
- Kelsy Simpson
- Linda Young (For all the foster kitties)
- Lenelle Wallace (For Ziggy)
- Lisa Domke
- Maria Hall
- Mark Carleton
- Matthew Speer
- Michele Springstead
- Penny Davis (In memory of Cosmo)
- Roxann Mckenzie
- Samantha Boon
- Shanna Ingwerson
- Shelly Rutter
- Stephanie Von Numers