Foster Kit Deposit

Welcome and thank you for becoming a foster volunteer. Fostering saves lives and we are so happy to have you saving lives with the team at Animal Friends Alliance.

The fostering kit deposit is paid when you start your fostering journey with us. After successfully fostering please return your fostering kit with any unused supplies  and contact foster@savinganimalstoday.org to request a refund of your deposit. 

Below you will find a general description of what each foster kit contains. To pay your deposit, please select which kit you need from the drop down menu and click the “Pay Now” button.

Thank you for helping us to manage our resources wisely and to ensure that you, and future foster volunteers like you, have the tools needed for a successful and positive fostering experience.

Foster Kit Styles

The kitten/cat kits contain:

  • Scale

  • Thermometer

  • Gloves

  • Pro-biotics & amoxicillin*

  • Fecal cup*

  • Gauze*

The puppy/dog kits include:

  • Harness
  • Collar
  • Engraved ID tag
  • Leash 
  • Crate

    The puppy/dog kits (with crate) 


    • Harness
    • Collar
    • Engraved ID tag
    • Leash 
    • Crate

    * Consumable items used in the course of caring for/treating foster animals do not need to be replaced in order to receive full deposit refund.

    Choose Your Foster Kit Style

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