
Gala for Animals: Mardi Paw

Magnificent Beasts
View the BeastsMain Gala Page
Gala for Animals 2022

Magnificent Beasts

The good times are right around the corner – our Gala for Animals is coming up! Mardi Paw will be held on Saturday, March 26th at 5:30 PM at the Hilton Fort Collins. Grab your mask and join the animal parade!
One of our favorite parts of the Gala for Animals are the amazing, unique pieces of art created every year for our silent auction: the Magnificent Beasts!  The Beasts each begin as a wooden silhouette cutout of a dog or cat and each is given to a local artist, who is invited to make the piece their own. The artists have complete artistic freedom with the Beasts, and we eagerly await their creations each year. To add to the excitement of this year’s event, we’re giving you a sneak peek at some of this year’s beasts!  We can’t wait for you to join us March 26th for the in-person and virtual unveiling of our Magnificent Beasts!
The Beasts represent a celebration of art (especially pet-themed!), local talent, and a way for our supporters to take home a one-of-a-kind gift while supporting our mission.

Sneak Peeks at 2022 Magnificent Beasts!

Confetti by Laura Brundage
Nola by Molly Rodgers
Beasts by Ann Martinez, alden freed, and Dyana Wyeno

A glimpse at Magnificent Beasts from years past

Andromeda and the Little Green Mice
by Suzanne Royer

“Ode to Playfulness” by Leigh Piontek

“Untitled” by Shelby Lynne

“Zodicat” by Kat Kasmarski

“Alberto” by Ashley Waddell

“Verre Noir” by Ashley Boothe

“Ready When You Are” by Barb Haynie

“Yakutat” by Kristin Jan Draper

“Night and Day, Love My Rescue”
by Leigh Piontek

Love these pieces? Don’t miss out on new creations this year!