
I’m so excited I have goosebumps on my arms! Animal Friends Alliance is going to build on and expand our Taft Hill Campus to move our cat shelter to this peaceful five acre site. Wait until you see the floor plan—there are 11 incredible cat colony rooms with lots of light, and one even has a tree in it for the cats to climb!

This project will unite our cat and dog shelters and allow our staff to be more efficient with their time and resources. Our incredible adopters will only have to go to one site to adopt their new family member, whether they are looking for a cat or a dog. There will be a welcoming Community Room to bring visitors and volunteers even closer to our mission and provide a place where they can work on projects or learn more about our organization.. Our new Enrichment Center will provide an even larger space for community classes and meetings as well as behavior work for shelter dogs. How exciting is that?

Animal Friend Alliance has helped over 118,000 animals since 2006, and I’m so excited that this project will enable us to help even more! We transfer in dogs and cats from other shelters almost weekly, and they are adopted quickly so we know we have the demand in our community for cute adoptable dogs and cats! It keeps those animals from being euthanized in communities with fewer resources, which is one of our goals.

Our new expansion will also help us expand our Community Pet Resources programs at the Mulberry Campus: the subsidized spay/neuter and vaccine clinic, Kibble Supply Pet Food Pantry, Community Cat Program, and Prevent A Litter Plus for income eligible clients. These programs help families keep their pets with them in their homes rather than having to surrender them. Doesn’t that make you excited? It does me!!

We can do SO MUCH with your help! With this additional space, we will be able to help so many more cats and dogs in both locations in ALL of our programs! I’ve given to Bringing Paws Together because the work that we do gives me goosebumps! We have raised nearly $1.5M so far, but we still need your help. Pledges can be given now for both 2021 and 2022 and can be fulfilled by the end of 2022. Will you please give to help us find new loving families for more cats and dogs? It’s so easy – go to BringingPawsTogether.org. I hope to see you at the ground breaking in August. It’s all happening thanks to YOU!

Julie Piepho
Campaign Co-Chair and Board Member of Animal Friends Alliance